
Crosswords and comments on the puzzleverse x data science

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Remote Controls

This month we have a timely puzzle titled “Remote Controls.” The theme came to me almost fully formed a few days ago. We’re entering April in a situation many of us didn’t envision until very recently, but I know crosswords are helping provide some light and fun these days—I hope this puzzle can contribute to that.

In other Crossworld news, this past month marked the inaugural Couchword Tournament, which was an absolute blast and a great opportunity to build community in difficult times—I’m looking forward to more. Another great resource that debuted is Daily Crossword Links, which I’m already using on a daily basis to stay current on indie crosswords from around the web. Stay safe and puzzly, friends.

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

Concrete Jungle

This month, we’re pounding the pavement in a themed puzzle titled “Concrete Jungle.” The wordplay carries out its fiduciary duties as best it can. Enjoy!

In other Crossworld news, this past week marked my debut in the venerable Universal Crosswords. Head on over here (select “Is This Thing On?” for 2/27/2020) to solve that puzzle! Also, don’t forget to sign up for the mailing list on the sidebar over to your left to receive this monthly series straight to your inbox.

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

About Face

Surprise! Another bonus themed midi is here, titled “About Face.” It packs a light theme related to that certain part of the body.

While I had originally planned a meta/contest puzzle as a bonus this month, I’ve realized that the idea needs some more baking time in the oven. It will show up later this year, but in the meantime, please enjoy this bite-size puzzle snack!

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

All For Naught

This month in the Datalexic crossword series brings a puzzle titled “All For Naught” that has some bite to it. Enjoy!

And if you’re new to Datalexic crosswords, a friendly invitation to sign up for the mailing list, over on the left sidebar—a new puzzle will get delivered fresh to your inbox every 1st of the month.

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

Famous Names

New year, new start to a monthly puzzle series. This themed puzzle is titled “Famous Names” and brings you a take on a few of them. Enjoy!

And speaking of puzzles, my published debut is now available through the wonderful AVCX. Big thanks to the editorial team there for generously guiding me through the process!

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

Cattle Callings

Welcome to a sneak peek at Datalexic’s upcoming crossword series. Today’s themed midi “Cattle Callings” winks at the holiday season. I’ll be posting a puzzle on the first of every month, plus a bonus themed midi puzzle on occasion. Enjoy!

Note: My themed midis are going to focus on 11x-ish crosswords with 2-3 theme answers and an optional revealer. Perfect for those theme ideas that don’t quite work as full puzzles, but still provide some bite-size word play.

[puz] [pdf] [solution]

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