As we move into July, we’ve got an indie-focused puzzle on offer that you can get “For A Song” (or free, even). I’m constantly impressed with the high quality of indie puzzles available out in the wild on a daily basis, and I love how community-oriented the indie crossword scene feels. I’ve enjoyed working on collaborations recently with some fine folks, and my DMs remain wide open for more—please feel free to reach out!

Although we may be moving on from Pride Month, I won’t be moving on anytime soon from the subject of equity, visibility and opportunity for BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ voices. This is far-reaching and touches many fields, but within the area of crosswords I’ve been heartened by folks who’ve taken strong stances on how we can (and should) do better. Some recent posts and articles from Rebecca Falcon, Sid Sivakumar, and Natan Last are providing some much appreciated light on the path forward.

[puz] [pdf] [solution]